I like our system but after the first 10-12 You
can just about put their names in a bucket and
pull them out to set their order
My top 30
1. Chase Burns
2. Sal Stewart
3. Rhet Lowder
4. Edwin Arroyo
5. Chase Petty
6. Alfrado Duno
7. Ricardo Cabrera
8. Cam Collier
9. Hector Rodriguez
10. Sammy Stafura
11. Tyson Lewis
12. Adam Serwinowski
13. Julian Aguiar
14. Ty Floyd
15. Carlos Jorge
16. Zach Maxwell
17. Luke Holman
18. Sheng-En Lin
19. Blake Dunn
20. Connor Phillips
21. Leonardo Balcazar
22. Yerlin Confidan
23. Jirvin Morillo
24. Yeycol Soriano
25. Adolfo Sanchez
26. Bernard Moon
27. Javi Rivera
28. Nestor Lorant
29. Jose Acuna
30. Ethan O’Donnell
31. Jack Moss
32. Hunter Hollan